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A member registered Nov 26, 2021

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(2 edits)

Hey, thanks for the reply.

I have checked that I have copied it 100% correctly.

I am not using the HUD, but I am copying the Priscilla Event to the next Map to check that the time is flowing between Maps, and it is not.

OK, so I resolved this.

I was not placing the Begin Time event on my starting Map!

All good. Thanks.

Hi, I have an issue whenever I change Map the time resets to Monday Day 1.

Is there a way for the time to be continuous between maps?

Many thanks for the Reply.

So do you still have to manually apply that colour to Face / SV and Walk?

I am using 1.2.2 and if I chose a colour it only applies  to the view I am working on and not the others.

It's no problem if this is being addressed in a new version.

(2 edits)

Hey there. With 1.2.2 when I change colour for an image set it does not replicate across the other image sets (face / sv / walk).

Also, when I go back to an image set to find the colour range so I can manually change the others (inefficient!), the sliders have reset to zero.